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Seed Blends for All Conditions

From tiny harvest plots to multiple-acre destination plots, Northwoods Whitetails has the perfect seed blend for your land. Whether you’re looking to create a small food source or a massive destination plot, we’ve got you covered with high-quality blends designed to thrive in any environment.

Shop Spring Blends

Soil Condition

Poor Soil

Clover helps replenish poor soil by fixing nitrogen from the air, enriching the soil with essential nutrients naturally. Its deep roots improve soil structure, aeration, and water retention while adding organic matter as it decomposes.

Shop Clovers

Soil Condition

Drought Tolerant

Brassicas, like turnips and radishes, can handle dry spells due to their ability to store moisture in their roots. Our Brassica Blend options can help ensure a productive food plot even in challenging weather conditions.

Shop Brassicas

Soil Condition

Shaded Plots

A new concept to the food plot industry is adding food to bedding areas. By adding tiny plots in and around bedding areas, this gives you another tool to hold deer on your property.

Shop Seclusion Blend